Group photo of the 2nd CLUE-H Cluster Annual Meeting

Group photo of the 2nd CLUE-H Cluster Annual Meeting

CLUE-H, the cluster of four EU-funded projects investigating electromagnetic fields and health, held its second annual meeting in Crete (Greece) on 12 October 2023.

The objectives of the day included an update on the progress of the four projects, as well as meetings of the different working groups of the cluster (science translation, data management, communication, experimental studies and exposure assessment) to look for synergies.

Gemma Castaño, scientific coordinator of Project GOLIAT, presents at the 2nd CLUE-H Cluster Annual Meeting

Gemma Castaño, scientific coordinator of Project GOLIAT, presents at the 2nd CLUE-H Cluster Annual Meeting

Several members of Project GOLIAT attended the meeting either telematically or in person. Among the latter, Gemma Castaño, ISGlobal researcher and scientific coordinator of GOLIAT, gave a presentation on the use of communication devices among young people. Brahim Selmaoui, researcher at INERIS and coordinator of GOLIAT work package 4, shared an experiment on signals on electrical brain activity in healthy volunteers.