Scientific Publications
Journal Articles
Chikha W. B., Zhang Y., Liu J., Wang S., Sandeep Srikumar , Guxens M., Veludo A., Röösli M., Joseph W., Wiart J.
Assessment of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure Induced by Base Stations in Several Micro-Environments in France.
IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 21610-21620, 2024.
Jamal, L., Michelant, L., Delanaud, S., Hugueville, L., Mazet, P., Lévêque, P., Baz, T., Bach, V., & Selmaoui, B.
Autonomous nervous system responses to environmental-level exposure to 5G’s first deployed band (3.5 GHz) in healthy human volunteers.
Experimental Physiology, 1–12, 2024.
Deprez K, Colussi L, Korkmaz E, Aerts S, Land D, Littel S, Verloock L, Plets D, Joseph W, Bolte J.
Comparison of Low-cost 5G Electromagnetic Field Sensors, Sensors, 2023.
Environ Res. 2022 Nov;214(Pt 2):113891.