The 10th course on “Electromagnetic fields and health – epidemiological approaches” of the International School of Bioelectromagnetism “Alessandro Chiabrera” was held from April 6th to April 12 at the Ettore Majorana Foundation in Erice, Sicily (Italy). This training is organised by CLUE-H, the European cluster on EMF and Health, in collaboration with BioEM, an international society working to promote the exchange of ideas to advance the science of natural and applied electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine.

The course had 21 international participants from 13 institutes located in 8 countries across Europe. Participants had diverse backgrounds (engineering, lab or epidemiology), and they were mostly PhD students and employees from national radiation protection authorities.

The training sessions covered a diverse set of topics such as exposure assessment, EMF and health effects, exposure misclassification, biological mechanisms, risk perception, planetary health, evidence synthesis and guideline development.

“We gave special attention to active classes, had participants do measurements and present their results, which were also shared on X under the hashtag #EriceSchool”, said Mònica Guxens, coordinator of Project GOLIAT and co-director of the course.

“Given the unique setting in Erice, there was a lot of close interaction between participants and the lecturers during the week”, said Anke Huss, coordinator of the ETAIN project and co-director of the course.

At the end of the course, the participants answered an evalutation survey and graded the course with an average score of 8.9 on a scale of 1-10.